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  • 03 Ocak 2021, 11:07

No Violence Against Women

Violence is a word that has been translated into Turkish from Arabic; It comes from the root "şdd" which means hardness, stiffness, difficulty. The use of the term "violence" in English dates from the 20th century. It was defined in the 1901 Kamûs-ı Türkî as "hardness, hard, rigid behavior, brute force". Violence, which is translated into western languages ​​such as French and English from Violentia, which means harsh or brutal personality in Latin, is to do or make something unwanted by applying force or pressure to a person; It is defined as coercion, assault, brute force, bodily or psychological suffering and injury.

Today, the word violence is used in Turkish to mean "the strength, intensity, hardness, intensity of a phenomenon" and "brute force". While defining violence in this second sense, in the past only physical acts intended to cause harm were included in the definition; Over time, the psychological and sexual acts of the perpetrator aimed at harming and putting pressure are also included in the definition. Since violence is a subject that has been dealt with by different disciplines and it is a phenomenon that changes according to time and society, there is no widely accepted definition of what it is. A definition that encompasses both physical and psychological suffering is made as: "the damage inflicted by any individual, group or organization against the physical and moral integrity, property, cultural or symbolic values ​​of a person or community".

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines violence as: “Violence; Intentionally using physical pressure or force, threatening or acting against himself, someone else, a group or society, causing injury, death, psychological harm, developmental disorder or deprivation, or increasing the likelihood of these situations. "

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